I believe that children are our future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Whitney Houston
Which lesson is right for me?
I offer 30-, 45-, and 60-minute lessons. Families will want to choose the most appropriate length for each student, considering their budgets, priorities, and goals.
45 minutes: This option works best for most students, especially those making a long-term commitment to the piano. It allows focus on basic skills including scales and chords, and allows me to send home two to four unique pieces each week. Recommended daily practice: 30-45 minutes.
30 minutes: This option enables the student to make steady progress with basic skills and take home one to two unique songs each week. It is recommended for young or exploratory beginners, students who are juggling other commitments such as sports or AP classes, or students for whom the piano is the secondary instrument. Recommended daily practice: 15-30 minutes.
60 minutes: This option is intended for serious, advanced students, though some older beginners also do well with a longer lesson. With advanced students, the extra time is spent developing technique, studying music theory, and polishing difficult repertoire. Recommended daily practice: 30-60 minutes.
I will supply music as needed and will send notes home for reimbursement. At the beginning levels, music usually runs in the neighborhood of $30 to $50 each year; at the advanced levels, usually around $50 each year.
I respect the rights, labor, and intellectual property of my fellow musicians and only use Xeroxes when the music is out of print or in the public domain.
Students at level 2 and above will need a metronome for daily practice; this can be purchased at any local music store.
Yes, I teach through the summer! Many students make accelerated progress during the break. Summer time slots are arranged each year in May.
Daily practice is vital to progress. Please work to develop a consistent practice time each week day–even if you feel the assignment is too easy or is already mastered! Many parents find sticker charts and incentives to be effective motivators.
Please create the same environment for practice that you do for homework. If possible, keep the TV and piano in separate rooms, and keep distractions to a minimum. The piano should be well-lit, and two pencils—one red and the other a good No. 2 black—should be kept on the piano. I teach my students that music is never to be marked in ink.
Performance is an important musical skill. Students will prepare their best pieces for recitals, which are held in the spring and fall. Advanced students are encouraged to present solo recitals.
What is the policy for missed lessons?
I offer make-up lessons whenever possible. I also hold the last weeks of May and December open for make-up slots. This helps me as much as it helps you! Most studios do not offer make-up lessons, but because of the work I do as an accompanist, I find it best to keep a flexible policy. However, because my studio is full and families are busy, sometimes a lesson must simply be excused, and students should keep practicing. With advance notice, I can outline a double assignment.
Tuition is a monthly fee, not a per-lesson fee, and is payable on the first lesson of each month, regardless of attendance. Tuition reserves the weekly time slot and also covers many other expenses invested in the student, including recital costs, supplemental books and materials, and curriculum and professional development.
Parents are the single greatest influence on a child’s education. Please be as encouraging and supportive as only you know how to be. Feel free to sit on my sofa and observe the weekly lesson. Familiarize yourself with each weekly practice plan (it will be recorded and sent home in a notebook) and encourage your young musician to reach that goal. At home, ask your child to play the week’s pieces for you. Praise often: for learning a piece, for practicing, for asking questions, for working hard.
My Teaching Philosophy
I was profoundly influenced by a master clinician who said, “I used to get mad at my students for wrong notes until I realized that nobody ever missed a note on purpose.” I recognize that my students come because they want to come, and I make lessons a positive experience for them.
No two students are exactly alike, and children (as well as adults) learn at different rates. Even siblings within families differ in motivation and temperament. I approach students as individuals and attempt to challenge each according to his or her own unique potential.
Music is not always easy, and may not always be fun. At times, parents may have to play the heavy. Please, let’s communicate well when concerns arise and extra support is needed.
I can promise you that with time and practice, mastering the art of the piano will become enjoyable. Students will find joy in music for as long as they continue to work at it. The discipline acquired along the way will bless them in all aspects of life.